Images in Clinical Medicine

By Prof. Jayendra R Gohil , Dr. Bhavesh A Shah , Dr. Alpa N Parekh
Corresponding Author Prof. Jayendra R Gohil
Pediatrics dept, GMC, & SirTG hospital, Bhavnagar, Madhavjyot - India 364002
Submitting Author Prof. Jayendra R Gohil
Other Authors Dr. Bhavesh A Shah
Gujarat Children Hospital, Ahmedabad, - India 380015

Dr. Alpa N Parekh
Pediatrics dept, GMC, Bhavnagar, - India 364002


Diphtheria, Membrane, Tonsil, InspirAtory Stridor, Bullneck, Myocarditis, GBS

Gohil JR, Shah BA, Parekh AN. Diphtheria. WebmedCentral INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2011;2(12):WMC002594
doi: 10.9754/journal.wmc.2011.002594

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Submitted on: 30 Dec 2011 02:16:05 PM GMT
Published on: 31 Dec 2011 10:34:41 AM GMT


Necrotic patch visible as white membrane on left tonsil and a grey patch on the inner pillar of right tonsil in a 7 year boy suffering from DIPHTHERIA. The swelling over left angle of mandible and near right tragus suggest beginning of lymphnode enlargement which can grow large enough to be called 'bull neck'.
Membrane may extend down to glottis causing stridor and respiratory obstruction requiring tracheostomy. Exotoxins reach myocardium and invariably cause myocarditis simultaneuosly. Cardiac markers are elevated. This child was not immunised with diphtheria (DPT) vaccine. The serious symptoms like respiratory obstruction and stridor are not seen in this child perhaps due to partial immunity from previous asymptomatic infections.
Neurological complications like muscle paralysis, nasal voice or post infectious polyneuropathy (GBS- Gullian Barry syndrome) can occur after 2 weeks to 6 months later.
Therefore, not giving a vaccine leads to complications that are life treatening (tracheal obstruction, myocarditis), require expensive treatment like ventilator and/or immunoglobulins.
Other causes of white membrane in oral cavity are infectious mononucleosis, streptococci, candida, submucus fibrosis and lichen planus (due to tobacco chewing), poor oral toilet esp with tonsilar cleft.


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Posted by Dr. Chandresh C Pandya on 14 Jan 2012 03:57:59 AM GMT

The Diphtheria incidence is higher in District of Bhavnagar and has constituted about 25% of total cases seen in the State of Gujarat, India. Number of cases admitted in pediatrics dept. of the ins... View more
Responded by Prof. Jayendra R Gohil on 03 Mar 2014 05:12:35 PM GMT

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Diphtheria Posted by Prof. Jayendra R Gohil on 24 Jan 2012 05:59:11 AM GMT


WebmedCentral Article: Diphtheria

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