Images in Clinical Medicine

By Dr. Gurpreet Kaur , Dr. Sourabh Aggarwal , Dr. Vivek Kesar
Corresponding Author Dr. Sourabh Aggarwal
University College of Medical Sciences, - India
Submitting Author Dr. Sourabh Aggarwal
Other Authors Dr. Gurpreet Kaur
Government Dental College, Amritsar, - India

Dr. Vivek Kesar
Department of Liver Diseases, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, - United States of America


Lesion, Dorsum of Hand, Blanching, Chronic Liver Disease

Kaur G, Aggarwal S, Kesar V. Lesions on Dorsum of Hand. WebmedCentral LIVER 2011;2(7):WMC002015
doi: 10.9754/journal.wmc.2011.002015
Submitted on: 08 Jul 2011 04:53:40 AM GMT
Published on: 08 Jul 2011 05:37:52 PM GMT

Case and discussion

A 60 year old man presented with complaints of bleeding gums and yellow eyes. He also had a history of end stage liver disease from chronic alcoholism. He had history of recurrent hepatic encephalopathy and recurrent ascites. On examination, we noticed lesions on dorsal aspect of middle finger of his right hand (Figure 1). It was non-tender and blanching in nature.

The lesion on the finger is Spider Angioma. They are superficial and tortuous arterioles and occur mainly on the face and upper torso. Rarely, it can be found on hand as shown in the picture. If blanched, it is possible to see the emptied veins refilling from the center. This filling from center to outwards is unique to spider angioma.



Authors Contribution(s)

All authors contributed equally in literature review, manuscript preparation and review.

Source(s) of Funding

No source of funding

Competing Interests

No competing interests


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Lesions on dorsum of hand
Posted by Dr. Harish Kumar on 12 Aug 2011 02:10:40 PM GMT

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WebmedCentral Article: Lesions On Dorsum Of Hand

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