My opinion

By Prof. Krupanidhi Sreerama
Corresponding Author Prof. Krupanidhi Sreerama
Department of Biosciences, SSSIHL, , Vidyagiri, Prasanthinilayham - India 515 134
Submitting Author Prof. Krupanidhi Sreerama

Molecules, Health, Market, Epigenome

Sreerama K. Molecular Interplay. WebmedCentral MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2010;1(9):WMC00825
doi: 10.9754/journal.wmc.2010.00825
Submitted on: 30 Sep 2010 05:38:03 AM GMT
Published on: 30 Sep 2010 10:22:34 AM GMT

My opinion

Molecules play important role at various levels in the life of organisms1. They are not only involved in the biological and physiological functions but also percolated in the field of behaviour and business2,3. The same has been highlighted in a poetic style to facilitate the students of Biology to know the scope of discipline of Biosciences.
Molecules make life
Organisms studded with molecules
Molecules facilitate cells to communicate.
Cells talk each other through signal molecules
Molecules recognize self and non-self
Molecules barricade us as immunological herds.
Molecules either down or up regulate metabolism
Cascade of STAT is through molecules
Molecules fix axes
Molecules determine organ systems.
Molecules bring curiosity among biochemists and crystallographers
Molecules keep up the health
Molecules provide livelihood
Molecules make market
Informatics revolves around molecules.
Contemplation is through molecules
Memorisation is owing to molecules
Tranquility and turmoil are due to molecules
Molecular interplay brings beauty to the bearer.
Ultimately, molecules regulate gene expression
Via., DNA-Protein complexation
Forever, epigenome dictates life processes.


1. S.Krupanidhi, 2008, Genomic Era – Health and Environmental Awareness, Sci. & Cult. 74 (3-4),pp.104-113.
2. S.Krupanidhi, 2005, Designer Genes, Everyman’s Science, XXXIX (5), 304-308.
3. S.Krupanidhi, 2010, Epigenetics and Health, In Bioresources for rural livelihood, Eds. G.K Kulkarni and B.N Pandey and B.D Joshi, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi,  Vol.1, pp. 17-22

Source(s) of Funding


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