Review articles

By Mr. Marc Girondot
Corresponding Author Mr. Marc Girondot
Ecologie des Populations et des Communautes, UMR 8079 - ESE - France 91405
Submitting Author Mr. Marc Girondot

Sex Determination, Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination, Chelonian, Reptile, Incubation, Genotypic-Sex Determination

Girondot M. Sex In Common Pet Turtles. WebmedCentral VETERINARY MEDICINE 2010;1(10):WMC00877
doi: 10.9754/journal.wmc.2010.00877
Submitted on: 02 Oct 2010 08:57:00 AM GMT
Published on: 02 Oct 2010 07:45:45 PM GMT


With the growing market for pet turtles, veterinarians are confronted with new demands. Owners or breeders of turtles generally know that these species are temperature-dependent in terms of sex determination, but lack specific knowledge on how it works. Furthermore, they need advice on how to control incubation conditions taking this phenomenon into account. A guide to answer the most common questions is proposed: (i) In which species sex is determined by temperature, sex chromosomes or both? (ii) How to choose incubation temperature for eggs of turtles to optimize hatchling success, performance of juveniles or sex ratio? (iii) How to decipher sexual phenotype of juveniles?


The pet Turtle market is growing in all the studied countries [1-3] and veterinarians are confronted with recurring demands on information of how to take care of young turtles and turtle eggs. The most common concern is about control or knowledge of sexual phenotype of juveniles. Indeed, pet turtle owners generally know the concept of thermosensibility of sex determination, but specific knowledge necessary to answer some specific questions are lacking. The importance of sexual phenotype of turtles for owners becomes evident when they want to breed the turtles.
The objectives of this review is to bring up-to-date information about the thermosensibility of sex determination in turtles, and to share this information to owners of pet turtles and to answer some specific questions:
(i) In which species is sex determined by temperature, sex chromosomes or both?
(ii) How to choose incubation temperature for turtle eggs to optimize hatchling success, performances of juvenile or sex ratio?
(iii) How to identify the sexual phenotype of juveniles?
Sex determination in turtles
Many species of oviparous reptiles, including crocodilians, a majority of turtles, some lizards and the two closely related species of Sphenodon have displayed temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). In these species, the differentiation of gonads into ovaries or testes depends on the incubation temperature of the embryo during a critical period of embryonic development designated the thermosensitive period (TSP) [4, 5]. This period begins with the appearance of gonad during embryogenesis and encompasses the middle third of embryo development. It is approximately the same embryonic stages for any TSD species [6-10].
To demonstrate the occurrence of TSD in a species, incubation of eggs at various temperatures were performed and the sex of juveniles were plotted against incubation temperature [11]. For some species, the curve is flat demonstrating that incubation temperature does not affect sexual determination in the range of tested temperatures. This species will be listed has having genotypic sex determination or GSD. Such a species is supposed to have sex chromosomes even if they are not distinguishable on caryotype. When sex chromosomes can be visualized, sex determination is sometimes called CSD for Chromosomal Sex Determination [12] but most GSD will be CSD with a relevant technical analysis [e.g. 13].
When the plot of sex ratio vs. incubation temperatures were plotted, a tendency was revealed. Three patterns were described in Reptiles: (i) MF, (ii) FM and (iii) FMF [14]. In the MF pattern, lower incubation temperatures are masculinizing whereas higher one are feminizing and the reverse is true for FM pattern. In FMF pattern, both the lower and the highest temperatures are feminizing whereas the intermediate ones are masculinizing. Both sexes are produced in variable proportions within a range of intermediate temperatures, called the transitional range of temperature (TRT). At the theoretical “pivotal temperature“ P, 50% of each sex is yielded [5].
TSD is widely distributed among family of turtles (table 1). Eleven families are currently monomorphic for the pattern of sex determination and two (Emydidae and Bataguridae) include species with both TSD and GSD. TSD could be the ancestral state in turtles. During evolution, 5 groups of turtles have acquired, independently, sex chromosomes [15]. Then, it is possible to tentatively infer a pattern of sex determination (GSD or TSD) knowing the family or sub-family that a species belongs to, except for sub-family Emydinae and the familyBataguridae where the analysis should be done at the genus level.
However, the exact reaction norm for the sex ratio vs. incubation temperatures is more difficult to anticipate with the exception of eggs that come from an already studied species and population [review in 16].
Now let’s discuss an unresolved question: is it possible to have both GSD and TSD at the same time in a single species? When first discovered in turtles [17-19], thermosensitivity of sex determination was thought to superimpose a putative chromosomal sex determination [C. Pieau, pers. comm. see also 20]. But rapidly a strong dichotomy between GSD and TSD species has been drawn by some authors, and GSD and TSD were described as two incompatible states [21]. However, the genetic component in sex ratio has been demonstrated for eggs incubated in the range of temperatures where both sexes can be produced in the European Freshwater turtle (Emys orbicularis), the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina), the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta), and the map turtle (Graptemys ouachitensis) [22-25]. However, this genetic component was thought to not been able to express in natural condition [22].
In the 80’th, the serological minor histocompatibility antigen H-Y was supposed to be a marker of the heterogametic sex and has been extensively studied in the European Freshwater turtle, Emys orbicularis. When incubated at male- or female-producing temperatures, high and low expression levels were observed in serum of juveniles, irrespective of their sexual phenotype. On the other hand, when incubated at both sexes-producing temperatures, males hatchlings had low-level of expression and females had high-level of expression. This polymorphism of expression of H-Y antigen had been proposed to reflect the genetic component influencing sex determination at intermediate temperature [26, 27]. Low or high temperatures override this genetic component. Then for incubation at constant temperature, most of the embryos have their sexual phenotype that is determined by incubation temperature except for the narrow zone of temperature where both sexes are produced. When H-Y antigen has been studied among adults from natural population, 80% of individuals have their H-Y antigen status (i.e. sexual genotype) conformed to their sexual phenotype [28]. How a species could have TSD when incubated in artificial condition and a sex determination that looks like GSD in 80% of the individuals in natural conditions? It was proposed that when incubation temperatures fluctuate from male to female temperature, the genetic variability in sex determination could influence sex of the gonad and that only when temperature fluctuates around very high or very low temperature, it overpasses the genetic component. The question was debated until a similar system was deciphered in an Australian lizard with both sex chromosomes and TSD [29]. However, we still lack a molecular marker for this genetic component to validate definitively this model for turtles.
Both in Green turtle, Chelonia mydas [30], and European Freshwater turtle, Emys orbicularis [24, 31] sex specific DNA RFLP bands have been found. However in both cases, validation with eggs incubated in known conditions were lacking. Further researches should be done in this direction.
As a conclusion for this section, a veterinarian should look at table 1 to identify the family or sub-family of the species. The main pet species are reported in table 2 with their pattern of sex determination. For uncommon species, a search in specific literature must be done [32]. If the species is not listed anywhere, the only solution is to refer to the pattern in the most related species based on a composite phylogeny of turtles build from the most recent sources [33-40] and to infer the pattern of sex determination based on parsimony principles for reconstructing evolution [41]. However, a doubt will still exist.

How to choose incubation temperature for eggs of turtles?

When purchasing turtle eggs, the owner will need information on the best incubation procedure. The three main factors that should be taken into account are cleanliness, humidity and temperature [42]. Cleanliness is important to prevent eggs from rotting [43] and pathogen transmission to the eggs [44]. If humidity is lower than required, eggs will dehydrate and die and if higher than required, eggs will break out or rot. The use of moist vermiculite is recommended to maintain viable hygrometry [45]. Similarly, too high and low incubation temperatures could have detrimental effects on the survival of embryos and intermediate ones must be preferred. However, by choosing a specific temperature, the owner can influence the sex of offspring as seen previously but also their performance [for example see 46, 47, 48].
There is no general conclusion on the best-required temperature of incubation for turtle eggs. For example, incubation at feminizing temperatures has been advocated as a conservation measure for threatened species in the case of reintroduction purposes [49] but this recommendation has been criticized from a ecological point of view [50]. Due to the lack of knowledge of the consequences that disrupts the fluctuation of temperature in natural incubation of eggs [51], and any adverse effects on individuals of strongly feminizing conditions [52].
Recently, several authors have published data to compare the effects of fluctuating versus constant incubation temperature. For all the tested parameters (growth rate, temperature choice, locomotor performance, immune response), fluctuating temperatures have a differential impact, often beneficial, when compared to constant temperatures [46, 53-55].
I therefore recommend incubation at diurnal fluctuating temperatures around the pivotal temperature. Average pivotal temperatures for the various turtle families or sub-families are shown in table 1. In case the owner wants a specific sex, species specific pattern of sex determination [16] should serve as a reference to choose incubation temperature. An average incubation temperature of 30 °C for Testudinidae, 31 °C for Podocnemididae and 28.5 °C for Emydidae can be chosen with 2 °C diurnal amplitude.

Identification of sexual phenotype of juveniles

Many turtle species are highly dimorphic as adults [56] but external morphology of turtle is generally not sexually dimorphic until subadult stage [57]. Hatchling turtles typically exhibit little or no obvious dimorphism that allows for straightforward identi?cation of sex by external observation [58]. Significant sexual dimorphism Chrysemys picta and Podocnemis expansa hatchlings were measured using landmark-based geometric morphometric methods. This method had high accuracy in assigning sex when compared with true sex (98% and 90%, respectively), and cross-validation with hatchlings not used in model definition revealed a correct classi?cation rate of 85% [59]. Multivariate model allows for the differentiation of males and females in 4-years juvenilesGopherus polyphemus but not in hatchling Gopherus agassizii [60]. Difference in possibility to differentiate both sexes in Gopherus genus could reveal that shape morphology dimorphism is acquired during early growth. Size difference between one-year old males and females Trachemys scripta elegans were observed when reared in same conditions [61]. However, size assignation cannot be used when rearing conditions are not standardized and alternative techniques must be used.
External gonadal or sexual ducts morphology is generally studied by dissection of dead animals [62] which cannot be recommended in the context of this review. But external gonadal morphology has been also observed by laparoscopy on live animals in Green turtles, Chelonia mydas [63] and Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii [64]. Laparoscopy has been successfully used in Desert Tortoises as small as 28 g total body mass. Recalling that hatchlings of most turtles weigh less than 10 g [e.g. 6 g in Emys orbicularis, 10], this method cannot be used for very young turtles. Furthermore, this method is very invasive and could be lethal for small turtles (pers. obs.).
The serum testosterone radioimmunoassay procedure has been used conclusively for Lepidochelys olivacea,Chelonia mydas and Gopherus agassizii [64-66]. However, species specific sexing criteria must be developed using both plasma testosterone concentrations and laparoscopic examination of the gonads [67]. The origin of serum testosterone could be extragonadal, perhaps from the brain [68], and then a secondary consequence of sexual phenotype as demonstrated in Alligator [69]. The serum testosterone radioimmunoassay procedure cannot be used for hatchling and estradiol:testosterone ratio has been used conclusively in Caretta caretta egg chorioallantoic/amniotic fluid [70] but should be validated for other species as well before it can be recommended.


The phenomenon of temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles is generally known. However the limit of the current knowledge of this sex determination is often not well understood. Specifically, the exact nature of the relationship between TSD and GSD in a single species is still controversial. The most recent review points out that sex determination should be viewed along a continuum TSD-GSD rather than from a dichotomy [71].
When confronted with the demand for incubation conditions, the best solution will be to mimic natural conditions of incubation and then to incubate eggs with daily fluctuating temperatures within the range of viable incubation temperatures. Only when the owner indicates that he specifically wants one sex; for example for breeding purpose, then incubation at low or high nearly constant temperatures could be recommended.
To know the sexual phenotype of hatchlings or juveniles, there is at present for most species no other way than to be patient and to wait until the individual acquires sexually secondary dimorphic characters which can be differentiated in tail length, eye colours, claw lengths, or plastron shape depending on the species [58]


TSD: Temperature-dependent sex determination
GSD: Genotypic sex determination


The author thanks Anna Han for careful reading and English correction.

Authors Contribution(s)

Marc Girondot writes the paper.


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Source(s) of Funding

CNRS and University Paris Sud


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Good tiltle
Posted by Dr. Jribi Imed on 11 Oct 2010 09:49:53 PM GMT

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