Submited on: 06 Mar 2013 08:44:20 AM GMT
Published on: 06 Mar 2013 11:33:55 AM GMT
Extra information for reviewers
Posted by Dr. Sumaira N Syed on 07 Mar 2013 12:03:59 AM GMT

The paper in the beginning explains that it was a classic case meaning the patient had periumblical pain that radiated to right iliac fossa.She had positive signs and the diagnosis was clinical.She underwent laparoscopic appendicectomy and the procedure was not complicated meaning that the standard ports were used, there was no gas leak from port sites, the appendix had not perforated,there was inflammation but no peritoneal contamination.The base of appendix was cauterised.The appendix was taken out in the bag from umblical port. The immediate post op period was uneventful.Regarding Ecg preop, there was none available to us as the lady was 35 with no medical illnesses ever in the past.Infact she was athletic in build nearly 5 feet 8 inches tall weighing 63 kg who never ever had any chest pain previously

This was the first time that she was being given antibiotics that is post operatively.