Specialty Editor
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Dr. Massimiliano Zanin

Centre for Biomedical Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Campus of Montegancedo


In the last 5 years, and since the beginning of my scientific carrier, I've been working in the physical field of Complex Networks, developing tools and techniques for the characterization of their properties, as well as novel methods for constructing network representation of real systems. Since beginning of 2011, I've entered the Centre for Biomedical Technology in Madrid, with the aim of applying such techniques to biomedical data. Results that we are obtaining have generated a lot of interest, including the publication of a note in the well-known physical journal Physics Today.


Academic positions:

Researcher at CTB, UPM (Madrid, Spain). The position is equivalent to a Marie Curie Post-doc Fellowship.


Research interests:

Biophysics: application of techniques drawn from Physics (mainly, Complex Network Theory) to biomedical data.


What I think of the idea behind WebmedCentral:

I like the idea behind WC, as I liked other similar initiative in the past - the most important, for the physical community, is PLoS (and the journal PLoS One). Yet, I think that there are some drawbacks in this kind of initiatives, that the board of editors should be aware of. For instance, in the case of PLoS One, as there are some publication fees, they are right now accepting all kind of papers, independently of their quality - clearly, with the simple idea of getting more money... This, at the end, results in a lower quality, and on a long-term problem for the public image of the journal. Therefore, I really hope that WC will not go through the same path, and will be able to maintain a high-quality level.


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